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Personal Best

supply and demand

October 3, 2023

Workforce: A Lesson in Economics

The days of excess labor supply are gone. To be successful in hiring and retaining employees we must lead and manage differently.

A different perspective

February 2, 2023

A Different Perspective

Every day we see the world around us through our experiences and our experiences shape our perspective. Seek a different perspective today.

The power of one word

January 26, 2023

The Power of One Word

If you struggle with setting AND keeping New Year resolutions try this simple process for selecting One Word.

making the world better

September 20, 2022

Making the World a Better Place One Joyful Employee at a Time

If you have ever been in a role that didn't fit you, you know it can leave you depleted and disengaged. The good news is there isn't something "wrong" with you and the solution is easier than you think.

Not a character flow

April 7, 2022

Surely, It’s a Character Flaw, Right?

Just because someone "can" doesn't always mean they "should." We should be cautious of how much we can realistically expect people to stretch.


March 2, 2022

The Human Lie Detector

Emotional Spontaneity can be a very powerful personality trait which, with science, explains why some people have accurate intuition.

how full is your bucket

November 30, 2021

How Full is Your Bucket?

Are we doing enough as employers, leaders and a society to fill each other’s buckets?  Imagine the difference it would make if we were intentional about expressing genuine gratitude and acknowledgement of each individual’s contribution on a daily basis.  

Start Your Team’s Growth Journey Today

Don’t waste more time wishing away people problems. Start changing things for the better with one call.